Using Kubernetes Audit Logging to Strengthen Container Security

Explore how to use Kubernetes audit logging to better protect applications running in containers and to strengthen container security without disrupting DevOps teams’ operations.

Using Kubernetes Audit Logging to Strengthen Container Security white paper

How to monitor Kubernetes audit logs

Containers have changed the face of modern DevOps. They reduce the amount of IT labor and resources needed to manage application development infrastructure. The container architecture enables DevOps teams to package, deploy, run, test, and manage applications in a way that’s portable, scalable, reusable, and automatable.

There is a range of different containers out there, but Kubernetes is becoming an important layer in the stack of cloud-native applications, as they bring a level of management and security to containers that isn’t seen in other platforms. However, all containers also come with their own unique set of security concerns for business.

In this paper, you’ll review Kubernetes architecture, what security measures Kubernetes provides, and how those impact your current security policies. You’ll then learn about Kubernetes’ powerful auditing infrastructure including, auditing stages, levels, and backends

Securing Kubernetes
with LogRhythm

To meet the security requirements of the business and IT, it’s necessary to look to external solutions that can collect, correlate, and analyze the audit log data to turn ran information into insightful actions that can help to assess and strengthen the organization’s state of security with greater accuracy and speed.
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